Friday, September 21, 2012

OFC Review: Experiment In Terror Series


Hi everyone.

I wanted to devote this blog to promote and review the "Experiment In Terror" series by Karina Halle. If you haven't been introduced to this series yet, then you need to stop reading this blog and download the first book "Darkhouse" right now. Don't ask questions, just do it. You can thank me afterwards.

In the meantime, please see below for my review/thoughts on the series (but seriously, if you haven't read the books that instead!)

I've known Karina Halle personally for about six years. I've partied with her on occasions, been introduced to her group of friends and, coincidentally, we both share a mutual bestie from New Zealand (who coinicidentally is the levitating girl on the cover of "On Demon Wings"). When I heard she had self-published her first novel titled "Darkhouse" over a year ago, I purchased a copy in the interest of supporting the creative endeavours of a friend. I had read some of her blogs, knew she was a music journalist and that she is an exceptional writer.

When I finally cracked open my copy of "Darkhouse", which was shipped from Barnes & Noble along with "Red Fox", the second installment in the EIT series, I did have a bias. I thought to myself, I'm going to read this to support Karina and help spread the word about her new book series, regardless of whether I liked the story or not. Well, I can confidently say it wasn't much of an obligation because, simply put, "Experiment In Terror" is brilliant.

Since "Darkhouse" was published, Karina has churned out an additional seven publications (four novels and three novellas) that have continued the story of main characters Perry Palomino and Dex Foray in the EIT series. In that time, Halle has gone from an unknown self-published author to earning widespread acclaim and a devoted fanbase through the online community.

The next installment of EIT "Into The Hollow" is set to be released in approximately one month. As a fan of the series, I am dying to find out what happens to Perry and Dex after the cliff-hanger ending in the previous book "On Demon Wings". The very fact that I simply cannot wait is a testament to how enraptured I am with these books. They have been nothing short of a great/keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat/roller-coaster ride of an experience. It has been a long time since I have become so engrossed in a series such as this one and with every novel that Halle puts out, the plot gets more scary, twisted and intense.

Much of the credit has to go to Karina's writing style. She is one of the only authors that I know who can create such a believable Gen-Y character in Perry Palomino. The vulnerability, sardonic wit, humour and sheer crazy that she packs into this character make her instantly likeable, relatable and intriguing all at once. And that is nothing compared to the enigma/storm-system of a character she creates in Mr. Declan "Dex" Foray. Through the dialogue and plot-line, Karina infuses so much life into these characters that you feel as if you know them like a good friend. The plot moves at a brisk pace as Perry and Dex travel to different parts of North America trying to capture footage for their web series titled "Experiment In Terror". Along the way, they face ghoulish opponents and get themselves into one terrifying situations after another. Interestingly enough, as the plot intertwines these two characters together, we learn more about Dex and Perry's past. Amidst all of this, there is the primal and heated sexual chemistry between the both of them that threatens to spill over at any second throughout the series.

It all makes for an exciting, scary and undeniable reading experience that will leave you scared, intrigued, begging for more and on some occasions, thoroughly spent.
Overall, EIT is a must-read. 

For more information on the Experiment In Terror series and the author, please see the link below and if you haven't started EIT yet, download "Darkhouse" and get started on all the spookiness and crazy that awaits: