Tuesday, December 31, 2013


1 - COFFEE. 

Can't start my day without it and it comprises 99% of what gets me out of bed.

2 - WINE

It helps to get the creative juices flowing.


If I need to explain this one then I don't even know what to say to you. Seriously just leave.


Because they are our friends and we need to stop treating them like the enemy. Carbs are not the enemy. The real enemy is Justin Bieber. Remember that.


We all need more of it and honestly, what is better than an epic sleep-in session?


Combine with items 2 and 3 and it will make for a fabulous evening.


Whether you are alone or in public. Drop a Miley to a beat and twerk the shit outta' the floor beneath you. Revel in the embarrassing looks from those around you  and the fact that it doesn't faze you in the slightest.


Because everyone at some point in life has to butcher "Living On A Prayer" in front of a group of strangers. Consider it a rite of passage.


These are the people you will want to keep around for the long haul. Oh and those that are willing to play "Drunk American". 


For anything and everything (and everyone) in between.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Top-10 Career Lessons from Beyonce

It was announced earlier today that Beyonce's latest self-titled album will debut at number one on the North American music charts with over 600,000 copies sold in just over three days with worldwide sales placing the album at just over 800,000 copies.  Since the album's release on Friday, December 13th, the entire industry has been buzzing about this unprecedented feat from the Houston native. 

Not since the release of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" has one artist so thoroughly defied and shook the foundations of the music industry. While many insiders and analysts will be speaking to how Beyonce's bold release strategy will re-write the rules on marketing and promotion, one fact remains blatantly and obviously clear: 

Beyonce dominates the music industry.

Katy Perry may sell more albums and have more successful singles, Gaga may get more hits on YouTube, Britney may have a legion of fans but nobody commands as much respect, power and clout than Beyonce Knowles-Carter. Her career has been unparalleled in the music industry and built on talent, a ferocious work ethic and an unwavering sense of focus and discipline. Simply put, her music career is flawless.

Rather than focus on why Beyonce is awesome (I'll let the rest of the internet focus on that), I wanted to shine the spotlight on the career of Mrs. Carter to identify what lessons one can glean from the superstar's career trajectory and apply to one's own career aspirations. While there are many examples to draw from through Beyonce's career, I have identified the ten most important observations on how to enjoy a flawless career taken straight from the playbook of Mrs. Carter.


Beyonce's career is an example of starting from the bottom and working your way up. Back in the mid nineties, Beyonce and her bandmates were still making the rounds on the Houston live-show circuit. At the time, they were an all-female group of nine tweens named Girls Tyme that were building up a reputation as live performers. They were showcased on Star Search and lost, signed to a record label and got dropped and performed for free with local radio stations to break into the industry. It took a tremendous amount of work, sacrifice and dedication before they were finally signed by Columbia Records in 1997.  

Whether you are a fresh-faced graduate or starting your first day in an entry-level job, there is no way around it - you have to pay your dues. Whatever career you choose to head into, make peace with the fact that your first job is likely going to be an unpaid internship or working as an assistant. In other words, you will be doing the grunt work. Rather than get frustrated at some of the thank-less tasks you will have to face in the early days, keep the big picture in mind and remember that you are working up to something.

The faster you can identify your strengths, the easier you can start wielding them to your advantage when it comes time to truly make some waves in your career. The most successful people of our times, regardless of what they do, not only know what makes them shine, but they focus in those qualities to help set them apart.

Beyonce has always played up to her strengths. With Destiny's Child, the group identified that their strength relied on funky beats with staccato, fast singing. Listen back to DC's earlier hits like "Bills, Bills, Bills" and "No, No, No" -each one of them showcases fast-sung lyrics with catchy choruses and big beats. As a solo pop star, Beyonce knew that she shined as a versatile vocalist with sultry dance moves. By focusing on those two qualities, she has produced some of the most anthemic pop songs of the past decade with catchy refrains and memorable dance moves. 

I don't care what your career aspirations are, people are always watching you. Your reputation and credibility are your most valuable forms of currency as you navigate your way to the top. One slip-up and it can destroy it all in the blink of an eye. Use this knowledge to your advantage and always remember to align all your efforts towards building a flawless image and reputation in your field.

Beyonce has always maintained a solid reputation in the music industry. Look no further than how she handled herself at the 2009 MTV Awards when Kanye West stormed Taylor Swift's acceptance speech and declared that Beyonce should have won. After winning the award for Best Video of the Year for "Single Ladies", she decided to call Taylor back onstage to finish her acceptance speech. In other words, the woman is a total class-act. Aside from that, you will never hear about Beyonce in the tabloids or caught up in controversy like many other celebrities because she knows how it can cheapen her reputation. Instead, she chooses to keep the focus on her music and image as an entertainer.

Beyonce has had two mentors in her career; mainly her father and former manager Matthew Knowles. She had an advantage over the rest of us trying to carve out our dream job in that her father played a guiding role in helping her realize her destiny - most of us are not that fortunate. But as you make your way through your career, you will likely meet people that you can learn a few things from. Make it your business to seek out these individuals and align yourself with them. You are only as successful as the company you keep, so make a point to rub shoulders with the right people and watch how many doors will open.

On that note, make sure you know when it is time to let people go. It sounds harsh, but only surround yourself with those that add value to your life. Your time is precious and you only have a finite amount of it so use it wisely. This also includes letting people go when necessary. Beyonce demonstrated this when she fired her father Matthew Knowles as her manager and assumed control over her own career.

Beyonce has always asserted that nobody else in the industry works harder than she does. This fact is backed by those that have collaborated with her in the studio and on tour. The woman is a work machine with an insane attention for detail when it comes to her career. It is no small feat that she has churned out as many albums, tours, singles and videos in the past ten years - and none of that includes her work with Destiny's Child.

God-given talent and, depending on your industry. looks will get you noticed, but it means nothing if you are not willing to work hard. That means putting your nose to the grindstone and working like you have never worked before. It means that you are the first to show up to work, the last to leave and becoming a perfectionist in everything you do. It means that you pay attention to details and set a standard that anything and everything you produce will be high quality. Trust me, this will speak volumes to your reputation and play a huge role in determining your future career prospects.

Beyonce demonstrates that successful people are not afraid of taking risks. As you move up in your career, you will be forced to stretch and grow beyond what you think you are capable of. Embrace these challenges and set a standard for yourself that you will always step up to the plate to achieve what others only dream of. Beyonce demonstrated this by boldly releasing her new album without any marketing or promotion. As a result,  "Beyonce" shattered iTunes records for most digital albums sold, it debuted at number one in over 100 countries and sold well over 800,000 copies in three days. 

Before releasing her new album, Beyonce's team knew that the traditional approach towards creating and marketing an album was on the decline. They also recognized that digital sales were on the rise along with illegally downloaded music. They also saw the value in using social media is a more powerful platform to create buzz. With all this in mind, her team created a strategic plan that would not only maximize where the industry was heading,  but defied all preconceived ideas about how an album can and should be released and marketed. 

The above example goes to show that any major career decisions must be informed. Pay attention to what is going on in your field, get a sense of what trends are taking place and start projecting where the industry is heading for the next five to ten years. Having this type of knowledge will ensure every move you make will be well-informed and could lead to something fresh and innovative that will set you apart from your industry peers.

From day one, Beyonce never shied away from thinking big. She knew that she wanted to be a superstar on par with Michael Jackson and her career has seen her take incremental steps towards slowly meeting that big, ambitious dream. This past year was a milestone that reflected her years of hard work. She gained rave reviews for her half-time performance at the Super-Bowl, signed a lucrative deal with Pepsi, set out on a successful, sold out world tour and most recently, shattered sales records with the release of her latest album.

You don't have to know every detail of your career trajectory, but it never hurts to have an over-arching vision of where you want to be in your career and setting realistic, achievable goals that will help you get there. Never be afraid to think big and envision where you see yourself and continuously work towards that vision.

Nobody is immune to mistakes and slip-ups and Beyonce proved that earlier this year when she chose to lip-sync the U.S national anthem at President Obama's inauguration ceremony. What could have been a crippling blow to her reputation as a talented live performer was smoothly handled when she later gave a stirring and impromptu rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner" at a press conference effectively silencing any critics on her abilities as a live performer. She followed that with a highly-acclaimed performance at the Super-Bowl half-time show that cemented her ability as a live entertainer.

In these times of economic uncertainty with job stability becoming a thing of the past, it is imperative to know what sets you apart. Personal branding is crucial in order to stand out from the competition.  So take some time to identify what makes your combination of skills, qualifications and talents unique from the rest. What can you offer that makes employers take notice? What skills do you have that are highly sought after in your industry? Knowing this and utilizing it will likely result in great opportunities coming your way.

Over the span of Beyonce's career, many other female acts have come and gone. What has given her staying power is that she knows her brand. Right from the onset, she focused her music and image towards women and became known for creating catchy, pop-R&B music that spoke to female empowerment. She set herself apart from her competition by being the only pop star that could shine both as a singer and dancer onstage and diversified her image by signing lucrative deals with L'Oreal, Pepsi and Target and branched out into acting. Today, she has turned her brand into a multi-million dollar empire and fully manages her own career by founding Parkwood Entertainment - her own entertainment production company.


While there are certainly many more variables that come into play to enjoy a successful career, the above steps demonstrated by Beyonce's career will certainly make waves for you as you build your reputation in your own respective career. By following these steps demonstrated by Mrs. Carter, this could very well be you one day (see below):

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Album Review: Beyonce

To any female pop star that is not Beyonce, y'all might as well head on back home and unwrap gifts and munch on sugar cookies under the Christmas tree because the woman has arrived and completely obliterated the competition. 

Ever since the surprise drop of her fifth studio, and first visual, album "Beyonce" the internet has all but collapsed with everyone and their dog tweeting and reacting to it. This ain't just an album release people, this is an event. An unprecedented event that only one woman in music is able to execute so flawlessly. Its no small feat that an artist as big as Beyonce was able to quietly release an album with seventeen videos and not let it leak out to the public. This speaks volumes to her power, control of her image and music and the clout she asserts when going about her business. But that is the whole point behind her brilliant marketing strategy and the new album itself; Beyonce is an artist that plays by no one else's rules but her own and basically does whatever-the-hell she wants. As unorthodox as her strategy has been over 2013, who else in pop music has the balls and bravado to head out on a global trek without any new material and still sell-out stadiums across the world? Who else releases an album without any marketing or promotion? Further proof, that Beyonce is one of the boldest and bad-ass pop stars in the game. 

And the result? 80,000 copies bought in 3 hours? Sales projected upwards of 200,000 units in a three-day period? In an era where illegally downloading music is the norm, those numbers are just stupid. Hell, Britney's last album couldn't even crack 180,000 over a seven-week period. That's called 'showin' em how its done' and Beyonce is showing that she owns the pop music arena. This is her turf and anyone stepping in better bow down. 

"Beyonce" the album has, so far, received critical acclaim, save for one publication that deemed it too similar to other mainstream R&B acts (please child, go back and do your homework). Boasting top-notch production from the likes of Timbaland, Pharrell Williams, Boots and collaborations with superstars Drake, Miguel and of course, Jay-Z, the album is a slice of minimalist, futuristic, electro R&B that is a true departure from anything else on pop music's current frontier. It is a weird album, but not wierd-eccentric like Gaga, but subtle, creepy, ambient and walking a fine line between pop, hip hop and trance beats. It is certainly Beyonce's most sexually overt album, but nowhere near as skanky as Rihanna mainly because the X-rated tracks all speak to the unabashed joy of having sex in a loving marriage. There is enough pop on the album to make it palatable for mainstream affair, check the opening ballad "Pretty Hurts" and sure-to-be-singles "Blow" and "XO". But the real highlights of the album are when things get grimy, dark-and-funky-like-your-about-to-let-loose-in-a-basement-party on tracks like "Ghost/Haunted" and the almost nuclear chemistry on "Drunk In Love" with Jay-Z (can anyone else NOT get over how she repeats "surf board" on the track?)

Beyonce is no longer interested in being a pop star. As she spits on "Ghost" she's bored with the game, bored with record labels and trusts nobody with her work. She ups the ante by adopting a thug moniker on the track "Yonce" and spits and growls verses half-rapping and half-singing on many of the tracks. She asserts her focus on artistic integrity when admitting that "…I probably won't make no money off this, oh well." And just when things get too alien and grimy, she flips the script and showcases her glorious vocals on the haunting tracks "Heaven", "Rocket" and "Jealous". "

And we haven't even gotten to the accompanying videos. Beautifully shot across many international locations, with help from the likes of Jonas Ackerland and Francesco Carrezini, each clip is a continuation of the themes Beyonce has consistently explored throughout her music such as feminism, love, empowerment and strength. This time around, the only caveat is that there is a blatant and obvious demonstration of power and supremacy. The under-lying message behind the videos to "Partition", "Haunted" and "Jealous" are clear, Beyonce lives her life and struggles in a lavish, rich, jet-setting life that reinforces her desire to be seen as a music industry power-house, one-half of pop music's only billion dollar earning couple. Visually, she plays up to the self-created myth that she is pop music royalty. The standout clips would have to be "Haunted" and "Partition" because both explode with imagery that speaks to feminist, racial and sexual politics in a manner that has not been explored since Madonna was still relevant.

There is no disputing that this album is a game-changer for not only Beyonce, but for all other female pops stars in terms of how music can and should be presented. "Beyonce" represents the point where her career has inevitably been heading all along. She is the logical intersection where pop music royalty, namely Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Prince and Madonna, intersect. Every decade has one artist that defines that era and while it is too early to determine whether Beyonce will be remembered as such, the new album certainly makes a more-than viable and legitimate bid for that title.

It is Beyonce's world, the rest of us just live in it.