Wednesday, January 29, 2014

25 Reasons Why Janet Jackson Should Return to the Music Industry

It has been some time since we have heard from Miss Jackson

The last few times she has been in the spotlight, it has gone largely unnoticed

Her last few albums haven't made much of an impact

Even though they were packed with forward-thinking, ahead-of-the-curve pop songs

This is all due mainly to this event

Nipplegate - Where she was unfairly targeted and took the brunt of the blame. Seriously, JT's career has gone unscathed ever since.

But for anyone who is a fan of pop music's current female landscape

You have to take a moment to respect and acknowledge the impact Janet Jackson has had on the music industry.

But since it has been awhile, allow me to take a moment to remind you……here we go

1 - Janet made some of the most iconic music videos in the history of MTV. See for yourself.

remember this one?

2 - Many female pop stars that have come after her have taken a page out of her book

or more blatantly…..

3 - She was honoured as the inaugural MTV Icon in 2001

4 - Back in the early-to-mid nineties, Janet was the ultimate sex symbol

Who can forget this Rolling Stone cover?

5 - She set the standard for big, choreographed dance numbers that every pop star after her emulated.

Get the point?

6 - Her live concerts would put any of the current crop of female pop stars to shame

7 - She has a mezzo-soprano vocal range and sings beautifully on her recordings and live performances

8 - She has far more acting chops than any other female popster

and who can forget her as little Penny in "Good Times"?

9 - Did I forget to mention that Jennifer Lopez used to be her backup dancer?

Here she is in the "That's The Way Love Goes" video

10 - Janet is an Oscar-nominated song-writer

She received a nomination for her song "Again" from her movie Poetic Justice. 

11 - She also holds the record for the female with the most Soul Train awards 

12 - During her hey day she was never afraid to take risks with her music and sound

Her 1997 "Velvet Rope" album is considered a masterpiece and one of the most influential R&B albums of the 90s

13 - She is one of the few artists that never resorted to being over-exposed. She took her time with each album and made the public miss her before she put something new out.

Take notes Rihanna

14 - Even though Nipplegate dismantled her career, let's not forget that she was the first female pop star who was asked to headline the SuperBowl half-time show.

Disregarding the 'wardrobe malfunction', it was a stellar performance

15 - She is the only Jackson to emerge from the shadow of Michael Jackson's success to carve out her own career and legacy

16 - On that note, when Michael's career was lagging during the mid-nineties, it was Janet that helped revive his chart success when they duetted on "Scream".

Again, the dancing - check out the dancing.

17 - She is a feminist and asserted her independence long before Beyonce yelled "bow down bitches"

18 - Even though she has all but disappeared from the industry today, her influence is still felt - look no further than Kendrick Lamar's"Poetic Justice" song.

or Bruno Mars who covered her in concert

19 - Or this Beyonce track that had many people commenting how it had a very 'Janet Jackson' feel to it

20- Back in the day, she was always sexy but never trashy - and advocated safe sex in even her steamiest videos

21 - She was, and still is, the only artist in music history to place seven singles from one album in the top five of the Billboard charts.

22 - Her 2011 Number Ones tour sold out worldwide and was extended due to popular demand

23 - Her 2011 memoir "True You" became a best-seller

24 - Even though her last album was released in 2008, it still sounds fresh and cutting-edge

Yes, her last album will make your head spin too. It is that good.

25 - She is adorable

A bad-ass



And simply put,  even though she is often imitated

There can only be one….


We miss you Janet, hurry back. The industry needs you!