Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 - The Year In Music

The end of the year is an excellent chance to reflect and I thought it would be great to take a look at the music of 2011. The following list encompasses those artists that were in the news and caught my attention (for better or for worse).


I like to save the best for last so it is only logical to start this list with those artists that truly made 2011 suck! So here they are the top 4 creme of the crap:

4-Britney Spears
I won't spend too much time on her because I've already devoted an entire blog regarding my thoughts on Britney. To be honest, I quite enjoyed "Femme Fatale"; the production is great and some of the beats and songs are damn catchy. However, because Britney epitomizes overly-marketed and manufactured pop-stars, she undoubtedly lands a spot on this list. Sorry Brit, "Femme Fatale" is a great dance/party album, but I'm only giving credit where it is due and I have yet to see any proof regarding your contribution towards the making of this album.

3-Rebecca Black
Now to be fair, we must give credit to the educational component of her viral hit "Friday". After listening to it, I now know that "yesterday was Thursday, today it is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards." Thank you Rebecca Black for enlightening me, but your song still sucks! Oh and next time, please don't put a creepy, older rapper in your video, its just wierd!

If Rihanna's only musical contribution was her duet with Eminem "Love The Way You Lie" and her monster hit "Only Girl In The World", she would have easily secured a spot in my "Honourable Mentions" list. Unfortunately, we had to endure songs such as "What's My Name" and the Britney-duetted "S&M" and her most recent "We Found Love". Hence, why she got dragged down into this list. Word of advice Rihanna, rather than releasing a bunch of singles at once, learn to be a bit more selective. Remember, its quality over quantity.

1-Chris Brown
How poetic, the two artists that sucked the most in 2011 also dated each other. Sure he put out his album "F.A.M.E" earlier this year and scored a hit with the Benny Benassi-produced "Beautiful People", but it wasn't enough for him to fully escape his past. The reminder of his assaulting Rihanna lurked in the shadows and once again, Chris Brown made an ass out of himself in public when reports leaked that he walked out of a television interview and trashed his dressing room. Also, I found it unforgiveable how much he lip-synched in live performances this year, considering he can actually sing. Sorry Chris, until you can get your act together and learn how to conduct yourself in public you top the list of those that sucked in 2011. Better luck in the coming years.

This list is for those artists that made a contribution, but it just wasn't enough to make them stand out in 2011. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't get credit, hence the top 4 artists that deserve Honourable Mention:

Her album "4" demonstrated artistic and stylistic growth, she was named Billboard's Artist Of The Millenium and had a viral hit on YouTube with Jay-Z's recording of her singing in her dressing room. All of this should have been enough to place her in my Best of 2011 list. Unfortunately, her single "Run The World" was a bit under-whelming for me and her ego is starting to dim her appeal. Did anyone else roll their eyes when she showed off her babybump onstage at the MTV Awards? Also, this past year was the first in her career where she didn't have a hit single and her album's sales have been quite low. So, while she is still worthy of Honourable Mention, 2011 certainly wasn't her best year.

3-Nicki Minaj
There hasn't been much happening in the world of female rap since Missy Elliott's hey-day. That all changed when Nicki Minaj burst onto the scene last year and presented a fresh, eclectic style and hits like "Superbass" and "Your Love". She could, quite well, be the pioneer for a new era of female rap superstars. Hence why she was named Billboard's Rising Star for 2011 and deserves Honourable Mention on this list.

2-Architecture In Helsinki
This band, outside of indie-pop circles, is a bit obscure. I had the chance to interview Kellie Sutherland earlier this year and checked out their 2011 release "Moment Bends". It is an excellent batch of romantic and funky pop music. A bit quirky, gorgeously produced and melodically complex, "Moment Bends" is the perfect backdrop for a beautiful summer day on the beach and deserves an honourable mention for 2011.

1-Kelly Clarkson
Sure, she ain't selling albums like she used to or scoring "Since U Been Gone" type hits, but it doesn't change why this girl rocks. Firstly, no other pop singer has the vocal ablity that Clarkson owns. Secondly her 2011 release "Stronger" was all recorded with no auto-tune and minimal vocal processing. Thirdly, I've always admired her for sticking to her guns throughout her career and not allowing others to make desicions for her. I don't think her single "Mr Know-It-All" is her best work, but the talent and conviction she sings with is refreshing and has earned her the top spot for honourable mention for 2011.

So who were the top-4 artsts that really made a difference or an impact on music? Read on:

4-Lady Gaga
Yes, Gaga is everywhere and it is hard to escape her. But it is also undeniable how much of an impact she has made on the pop culture scene in her short career. Behind all the bizarre fashion, over-the-top videos and stageshows, this woman is an artist. 2011 was a great year to be a Lady Gaga fan mainly because she is one of the few pop stars that packs a bold message behind her music that people can actually relate to. When you strip down her songs, there is an almost Springsteen-esque quality to her song-writing. Tracks like "Born This Way", "Edge of Glory" and "Marry The Night" all carry an under-lying message that speak to the struggles people deal with. If that isn't enough, Lady Gaga is a fantastic singer and puts on one hell of a live show. Putting all these elements together and you have an artist who is undoubtedly awesome.

I love Robyn, purely based on the fact that she came out in the mid nineties as a manufactured, cookie-cutter pop singer and walked away from it all. In that time, she started her own record label, released independent albums and is now back and bigger than ever with her "BodyTalk" album. Her albums are avant-garde pop music at its finest. Robyn is one of those rare artists that walks the fine line in creating music that is digestible for the mainstream crowd while retaining her edgy, eclectic and funky persona. But don't take my word for it, watch her "Call Your Girlfriend" video and see her turn an abandoned warehouse into a show-stopping, one-woman dance performance.

2-Foster The People
I'm sorry, but "Pumped Up Kicks" is hands-down the BEST pop song of 2011. It is quirky, melodic and so different than anything else out there right now. The band's album "Torches" carries on in this spirit and showcases an impressive range of musical styles that pushes Foster The People into the fore-front of the indie-pop music scene. In my mind, these guys would claim the top spot of this list, were it not for.......

Many people say that Beyonce showing off her baby-bump at this year's Video Music Awards was the highlight of the evening. I disagree. It was Adele's stripped down performance and her booming voice singing "Someone Like You" that was the major highlight. This woman dominated music in 2011. Amidst all the formulaic songs that saturated the music of this past year, Adele proved that raw talent wins everytime. Her album "21" was, refreshingly, inescapable. Her singles "Rolling In The Deep" and "Someone Like You" shows that singing with a raw and fiery passion is what connects with listeners. No other sound was more relevant in 2011 than that of Adele venting her soul about the demise of her eighteen-month relationship. Adele tops this list for putting all the other pop-star wannabes in their place and showing what true musicianship, artistry and talent is all about.

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