Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My name is Aman Dhesi and I am a writer

My name is Aman Dhesi and I am a writer.

I've tried my hand at many things in life, but after dabbling in this-and-that over the years, I've realize that first and foremost,

I am a writer.

I'm good at it, have been my whole life and it seems to come naturally to me. As a little kid, I would sit in my room for hours and write with a vibrant and endless sense of imagination.

As a kid, I was a writer

As I got older, things started getting in the way like school, friends, trying to fit in, career, etc. Life started getting busier and I no longer had the energy nor desire to write. The writer inside of me got shelved. Over the years, the dust collected.

I stopped being a writer

At some point in my early twenties, I had a conversation with a friend who said that happiness lies in doing what we love. Happiness. Something so sorely lacking in my life at the time. I spent the next six years trying to figure out what it meant to me. It took me on a journey that led to many wrong turns and misguided desicions. I was trying to find happiness, but wound up unhappy.

I forgot what it was like to be a writer

Today, I still haven't gained the answer, but I know I am closer. For the first time in my life, I have gained something I never had before; wisdom and awareness. It has taught me that we find happiness in one of two places: where we least expect it or it was there all along and we were looking in the wrong places.

I made a choice to become a writer

What really makes me happy is something that has been there all along, I've just been unaware. I've started writing again. There is nothing more satisfying than sitting in a cafe and letting my thoughts and imagination come to life on my laptop.

I re-discovered myself as a writer

Maybe this is what has been missing from my life. It's time to pick up my writing from off the shelf, wipe off the dust and write my heart out. Write about things that I am passionate about, who I am and what I want to say with only a blinking cursor standing in my way.

I found my happiness as a writer

On a grander level, I suppose, I want to make a difference or have some impact on the world, however small that may be. Maybe, this will be my start.

I ask you to come with me on this new journey I'm about to embark on. Where it will take me, I don't know. Will there be challenges and mistakes along the way, I can almost guarantee it. But I know that with every word I write, it will get me closer to the writer lying inside that I am meant to become.

My name is Aman Dhesi and I am a writer.

Welcome and enjoy :)


  1. Congrats on the launch of your Blog Aman. I'm honoured and excited to follower your journey as a writer.


  2. I don't know what I'm in for but it sounds juicy
